
A bio-inoculant is a natural mix of friendly microorganisms that helps plants grow better. They team up with plant roots to improve growth, fight pests, and make nutrients easier to absorb. It's like giving your plants a little boost for strong and healthy growth

Bio-inoculants wield scientific superpowers that benefit gardens and ecosystems alike!

In gardens, they enhance plant growth by forming symbiotic relationships with roots, boosting nutrient uptake and improving resistance to diseases. Across ecosystems, these microorganisms enrich soil quality, enhance nutrient cycling, and even assist in phyto-remediation, breaking down pollutants. These superheroes of the microbial world play a vital role in promoting ecological balance, contributing to the health and vitality of plants and the environment as a whole.

From individual gardens to larger ecosystems, their impact is rooted in science and sustainability!

The benefits of Bio-Innoculants

Bio innoculant fertiliser
  • It all begins with soil. We take healthy soil culture and “brew” it in a aerobic culture allowing the bacteria, microbes and fungi to multiply. When it’s ready it’s mixed with a compound of humic acid, fish emulsion and a organic sugar giving the biology everything it needs to regenerate soil.

  • Every use is different. The recommended amount of bio-inoculant varies depending on pre-existing soil life but a little goes a very long way.

  • Context is always important, but most soils need something. A quick look under the microscope will help define how much or even if it’s needed.