What we do but not limited to…

Holistic management • Pruning and shaping • Tree management • Fruit Tree management • Soil Building • Irrigation • Soil Testing and Consultation • Pest management • Compost systems build and consulting • Landscape design • Water capture & storage • Urban heat reduction • Conservation and carbon sequestration • Fertilisation • Bio-inoculation

Soil building and Bio-Innoculation

There’s a big difference between soil and dirt. Our aim and basis for everything we do is about building the soil food web, getting everything just right so everything from seedlings to great canopy tree’s thrive.


We know how to compost, like really know, down to the microscopic level. Composting is at the core of every resilient garden when it’s done right. When we can we always want to build a compost system that suits your needs and demands and we’ll teach you on how to manage it efficiently so it doesn’t smell or encourage any unwanted guests.

Weeding and pests.

We don’t use chemicals ever. Any inputs we do use are organic or fermented for maximum effectiveness.

Edible food forests and landscapes

Imagine instead of having to go to the shops, you could go into your garden and pick fresh, organic and heirloom vegetables and fruits.

Functionality meeting beautiful form.

Medicinal Plants

Sometimes the old ways are the best. Medicinal plants have been used for millennia around the world, combine them all for a cabinet of health grown fresh in your garden.